Tuesday, February 7, 2012


ok, i have seen alot in my day, and i have had some crazy ideas but Dogbook?!?!?!?.... really?  Why exactly is there a need for your DOG to have his own facebook account basically?  I mean really when did fido learn how to type? What are his status updates going to be "Hey FiFi i just peed on your fire hydrant"...."ooo lala have you seen the cocker spaniel in 3G...i'm gonna get some of that tail".

Plus, how would you feel if your dog had more neighbors then you in castleville? What if they had more friends then you?  What if they posted pic's of you?  What if their status updates were better then yours?  what if they denied your friend request? could you handle that stress? Plus you let a poodle on your computer and your going to end up with all kinds of doggie porn...do you really want to try explain  to the guys at Geeksquad why you have images of Rottweilers in bondage gear whipping poodles who are wearing ball gags?  "No really Chuck, it was my dog that downloaded that..."....sure it was.....