Friday, October 28, 2011

Ho Ho...Holy Cow it's only October...

And i have 8" of snow in my back yard.  Where exactly did Fall go?  I am quite certain that it was in existence for about 2 days prior to the new white grass i am now sporting....Don't get me wrong I love snow...very very much...what i don't like is the people who cease to function in the stuff.

People who could drive perfectly fine, well by their standards anyway, have forgotten what a solid white line means or that brakes and ice don't mix.  Mothers, all bundled up in their warm coats, seem oblivious to the baby in the stroller they are pushing, into the wind, all the while poor baby is wearing PJ's and is a not so wonderful shade of blue.  

How is it that a little white stuff makes people forget the simplest things? Hey Mr. White Ford Pickup Truck who just slid across two lanes in front of me...That turn at 45 mph wasn't a good idea now was it....Hey little, old, white haired lady with the poodle in her lap, why is your left blinker on when you really wanted to make a right hand turn across 3 lanes of traffic and then flip me off for honking at you...Hey Mr. I Just Got My License, why do you need to practice donuts in the middle of the highway..oh wait your not practicing you just thought 65 thru the snow plow drifts would be "cool dude"...

I like snow, i don't like snowy people. Ok off my soap box and onto the couch with me.....


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